Who we are This site is the work of The Eighth Floor and Ben Seattle. The Eighth Floor is in charge of the day-to-operation of the site and is responsible for keeping it updated and giving consideration to the various possible avenues of further expansion. Ben Seattle helps out from time to time with advice and/or assistance. The Eighth Floor is [insert quickie six-word bio here]. Ben Seattle was a supporter of the Marxist-Leninist Party, USA until its dissolution in November 1993. A guide to Ben's theoretical and infrastructure work can be found here.
Our guiding principles The following proposed mission statement is being discussed:
Your source of comprehensive, accurate & relatively objective
info about the expanding universe of marxism related email listsHopefully by May 1st we will have here a more detailed statement of the principles that will guide this site. In the meantime you are welcome to click the button at the bottom this page and go to the Digital Infrastructure for Communist Transparency project which has inspired this site. We believe the information revolution will, in the decades to come, radically transform the terrain on which is waged the class struggle. This project is part of an effort to prepare for the immense opportunities which we believe will unfold.
What's new ? 1.Jan.2000
The site is functional with 36 email discussion groups listed. We maintain data about the discussion groups in an Excel database and generate the HTML automatically. We hope that this will allow us to keep pace with what we believe will be a fairly rapid expansion of discussion lists related to Marxism.1.Sep.2002
Development of this site is currently on hold. It has not been updated in the last two and a half years. (If you want to help keep this site updated email me at: list-of-lists(at)Leninism.org (substitute "@" for "(at)" to make the email address work.)
Ben Seattle
Link to us with this cool button ! If you copy the code below into your web page you will have our cool animated button appear on your site. If readers click on it they will be taken to our site.
<!--- marxism.org LIST OF LISTS ad ---> <a href="http://www.marxism.org"> <img src="http://www.marxism.org/images/marxism_button.gif" width=88 height=31 border="0" alt="www.marxism.org"> </a><p>
Send us info about your marxism related email list! Please send info to The Eighth Floor about your marxism related email list. We are also very interested in hearing your ideas about how we can best add features to our site that will be of genuine use to our visitors.
Grab our data Our data is public domain. That means that you can grab it and use it as you see fit. You do not need to ask our permission. In addition, we are working on ways to make this data easier to download from the web, both in Excel and pseudo-XML format.
Don't like the way we run our site? Then grab our data and show the world what you can do. We promise to link to you and to all of our various "competitors". This kind of competition is healthy for the development of a movement powerful enough, and with integrity enough, to win the respect of millions of workers.
This site inspired and supported by
The Red Team